Viewed : 553

Lebanon's inmates go on hunger strike to demand general amnesty

Extremist cleric Sheikh Khaled Hoblos Saturday declared a mass hunger strike at Lebanese prisons to press for general amnesty to be granted to all prisoners. "We, the inmates in Lebanese prisons, announce a hunger strike to demand a general amnesty," Hoblos said in an audio clip carried out by local TV channel LBCI. Hoblos, in a 4.27 minute audio clip, urged prison administrations not to force inmates to back down on their hunger strike, deeming it "a right guaranteed by the law." The extremist cleric, who was arrested in 2015 during a police operation in the northern city of Tripoli,…

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Kareem Chehayeb

Detention cases

Viewed : 892

Lebanese journalist released after overnight detention

Lebanese journalist Fidaa Itani was released Tuesday following an interrogation at the Internal Security Forces Cybercrimes Bureau and overnight detention at a police station. Itani told The Daily Star that he was released 2 p.m., and revealed that the legal complaint was over a Facebook post. "They wanted me to make a formal apology to the post," he added. "But eventually all I had to do was take down the post, which I was fine with.” The Facebook post written on June 30, in Arabic condemned the Lebanese Army's treatment of Syrian refugees. "Running over a child. Raids...Detaining hundreds. Forcefully…

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Colette Khalaf

Detention cases

Viewed : 1367

Ziad Doueiri à « L’OLJ » : Le Liban vous donne beaucoup de déceptions, mais en même temps beaucoup d

Il a tenu à être présent aux rendez-vous avec la presse malgré un petit retard. Un retard en dehors de sa volonté, puisqu'il était retenu par les autorités. Après avoir été ovationné durant cinq minutes et demie (un record) au Festival de Venise, après que l'un de ses acteurs, Kamel el-Basha, eut remporté le prix d'interprétation masculine, le cinéaste libanais Ziad Doueiri est revenu avant-hier au Liban pour présenter son film L'Insulte qui sort dans les salles jeudi soir. Pas de réception glorieuse pour le cinéaste talentueux qui hisse haut le nom du Liban à chacun de ses films (West…

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Detention cases

Viewed : 814

Roumieh inmates, Bekaa Valley residents demand general amnesty

كان على جدول جلسات المحكمة العسكرية الدائمة امس، اكثر من عشرين جناية، ارجأ رئيس المحكمة العميد الركن حسين عبدالله معظمها الى مواعيد مختلفة بسبب امتناع الموقوفين في سجن رومية المركزي عن المثول امام المحكمة كـ«ورقة ضغط» لاقرار قانون العفو العام. ولاقاهم في هذه الخطوة اهاليهم في الخارج حيث قطعوا عددا من الطرق في بعلبك والبقاع الشمالي بالاطر المشتعلة ابرزها طريق بريتال الدولي قرب دار البلدية، شعث الدولي ومقنة الدولي، وحي الشراونة وطريق شتورا - تعلبايا، وكذلك اوتوستراد المطار القديم للمطالبة بالعفو العام عن المطلوبين والموقوفين. وعلى اثر ذلك، فان ادارة السجن اتخذت تدابير استباقية واحترازية تزامنا مع الاحتجاجات التي نفّذها…

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Detention cases

Viewed : 852

Families of detainees protest for amnesty

Families of dozens of Islamist prisoners staged a protest Monday in the northern city of Tripoli, demanding general amnesty for their incarcerated relatives. The families demonstrated outside Labor Minister Mohammad Kabbara’s office amid heavy security, according to the state-run National News Agency. The demonstration comes after numerous protests in several areas of the country to demand clemency for those Islamists in prison. Many were arrested on suspicion of joining outlawed Islamist groups, taking up arms against the state or undermining the Army. Many have been in detention awaiting trial for years. Last Monday, detainees at the Roumieh Prison staged a…

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Detention cases

Viewed : 585

Après seize mois de détention, Nizar Zakka reçoit la visite de l’ambassadeur libanais à Téhéran

Nizar Zakka, prisonnier libanais en Iran, a reçu la visite, pour la première fois, hier, et cela depuis sa détention il y a seize mois, de l'ambassadeur du Liban à Téhéran, Fady Hajehli. Cette rencontre a été qualifiée de « très bonne » par la famille de Zakka, qui a publié un communiqué. « L'ambassade du Liban à Téhéran avait reçu un document de la chancellerie libanaise à Washington stipulant que la fondation International and Relief Development (IRD) n'est pas une institution américaine », souligne le texte. Nizar Zakka avait été accusé lors de son procès en juillet dernier de…

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Detention cases

Viewed : 938

The case of Activist Ahmad Amhaz

أصدر قاضي التحقيق في بعبدا، القاضي بيار فرنسيس، أمس، مذكرة توقيف وجاهية بحق أحمد أمهز بتهمة تحقير رئيس الجمهورية وكل من رئيسي مجلس النواب والحكومة، وذلك على خلفية منشور كتبه أمهز على صفحته الخاصة على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي «فايسبوك». وبذلك، يكون القاضي فرنسيس قد أبقى على توقيف أمهز مدة إضافية الى حين بتّ محاكمته. وكان عناصر من شعبة فرع المعلومات قد أوقفوا أمهز، يوم الثلاثاء الماضي، بعد تعقّبه، وأُحيل الى مكتب مكافحة جرائم المعلوماتية وحماية الملكية الفكرية للتحقيق معه، ومن ثم أُحيل الى قاضي التحقيق في بعبدا. بحسب رواية والدة أمهز التي نقلها مركز «سكايز»، فإن القوى الأمنية أوقفت أمهز…

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Detention cases

Viewed : 1291

Activist Ahmad Amhaz released on bail, will still stand trial

Lebanese activist Ahmad Amhaz was released Thursday on a 500,000LL ($330) bail, following nine days in prison over a Facebook post that insulted political officials. The court decision was made by Judge Pierre Francis. Amhaz still faces trial for the Facebook post which criticized President Michel Aoun, Prime Minister Saad Hariri, and Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri. He can face up to two years in prison if convicted. “It’s a positive sign that the judge finally released him nine days after he was detained, but he never should have been held in jail for this type of offense in the…

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Detention cases

Viewed : 931

Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai washes feet of Roomier inmates

Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai washed the feet of 12 inmates during a Holy Thursday Mass held in Roumieh Prison, Lebanon's largest jail. Known for overcrowding and for its frequent uprisings, Roumieh has approximately 4,000 inmates. Twelve Christian prisoners were selected Thursday to represent the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, to reenact a scene described in the Bible’s Book of John. During his sermon, Rai urged the prisoners to draw lessons from Jesus, who fell three times while bearing the cross but rose stronger every time, because he was sure of God’s mercy and deep love towards him. Rai encouraged the…

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